On Saturday, March 5, 2011, I attended the BuildOn Regional Service Project. For this project, BuildOn members from the East Bay all came and set up and worked at an event for kids in Richmond at the Richmond Public Library. I was in Richmond from 11 am to 4 pm for this project but we didn't begin the work until after we did a few icebreaker activities to get to know and talk to some of our fellow BuildOn members from different schools of the East Bay. After the icebreaker activities we got free lunch which was burritos with chips and salsa and it was delicious. After lunch, we got to work setting up the small fair in the courtyard of the Richmond Public Library. The job of my group was to set up a booth to give passports to kids for the fair so that they could get stamps after each activity they completed on the passport. With four stamps for four completed activities, the kids would get a raffle ticket. With the raffle ticket they would get a chance to win a copy of the book
Richmond Tales by author Summer Brenner, who was also a guest at the event, reading her book. If they got more than four stamps then they would get another raffle ticket and they would receive a free used book that was provided by BuildOn and people from the community who donated their used books. The fair was very popular among the kids and I had a lot of fun myself just welcoming the kids to the fair. I did this same project last year and it was very fun last year too. My favorite part of this community service project was being able to have fun and play with the kids who constantly flowed in. I joined in a few games of musical chairs and other activities that other BuildOn members had set up and I enjoyed the community service project greatly as a whole.
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