This Saturday and Sunday, from 9-3 both days, Acalanes High School will be host to an electronics recycling event, called E-Waste. Acalanes has been a part of E-Waste for the past two years As the Fundraising Officer for BuildOn, I wanted to set up this event, partly because I wanted to continue this BuildOn, Acalanes, and Lafayette tradition, and partly because this event usually brings in a significant amount of money in fundraising for our club. By setting this event up through BuildOn, our club is able to make a percentage of the profits from the recycled goods that people bring in, in addition to receiving donations from people recycling their used electronics who come through the Acalanes parking lot.This event was somewhat of a hassle to set up, but as long as we get people constantly driving in, then I know we will be able to make a substantial amount of money close to what we made last year. I will be spending at least six of my weekend hours, three on Saturday and three on Sunday, to this event.

While it may seem tempting, the money we fund-raise never goes to use for the club's operations; all the money always goes to purchasing supplies for the Trek trips that will now be available every season of the year except fall. These Trek trips are what BuildOn members and supervisors live for because going to a developing country and helping build a school there is an incredibly fun and memorable experience because you know that you are making a difference and you are having fun at the same time. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to go on one of BuildOn's Trek trips because, even though a trip is offered this summer and graduated seniors are allowed to come, it does not look like our club will have the proper fundraising necessary ($5,000 for two people) in order to support a trip this year. With the expansion of BuildOn to colleges across the country, hopefully I will be able to continue my involvement with the organization and be able to possibly attend a Trek For Knowledge.